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ISW - Clear water pupms; ISWR - Hot water pumps; ISWH - Stainless steel pumps; YGW - Oil pumps; D - Pumps with low rotation speed Outlet15 - 300
Flow Rate (Q)1.5 - 1,080 (m3/h)
Lift Head (H) 8 - 150 (m)
Power 0.18 - 160 (kw)

Features and Applications

These models integrate a horizontal single-stage, single suction, centrifugal pump with a motor to make products simpler in structure, small in size, less noisy, more efficient, easy to maintain, and with a longer life expectancy. The Series ISW pumps are designed for industrial and municipal water / sewage systems, high building water supply and long distance water transfer when the media temperature is below 85. The Series ISWH are hot water pumps, which may operate at temperature below 120, suitable for forced circulation systems of hot water in metallurgical, textile, chemical, wood and paper industries as well as in hotels and residential buildings. The Series ISWH pumps are used for transporting particle-free and corrosive liquids with water-like viscosity at temperature between -20 - 120. They are widely used in petrochemical, metallurgical, electric power, paper and pulp, food and pharmaceutical, and synthetic fiber industries. The Series YGW products are oil pumps for carrying petroleum products at temperature between -20 - 120. The Series D pumps meet the requirement for a low noisy working condition.

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Catalog:In-line Pumps

Above:G Series Inline Centrifugal Pump

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